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Discover the fundamentals of the manager leader
Do you want to add a star to your career? Learn the basics of management and leadership with this course!
Do you want to add a star to your career? Learn the basics of management and leadership with this course!

50 minutes
Prérequis :
- Proficiency in English
Ce que tu apprendras :
- Differentiate between a manager and a leader
- Learn the fundamentals of management and leadership
- Decide on becoming a manager or leader
Knowing how to manage or lead is a highly sought-after skill today. But these skills cannot be acquired without knowing its basics. So this course aims to provide you with the basic knowledge to get you started. By the end of this course, you’ll know if you’re cut out to be a manager or a leader.
In general, a manager is an important link between the company and its stakeholders, i.e. employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, government, society, etc. It performs basic management functions.
A leader, on the other hand, is one who inspires, encourages, and influences their employees to voluntarily work towards the achievement of the organization’s goals. The two are not the same thing; however, one can only be a good manager if one is an effective leader.
In addition, a leader can be anyone who has the potential to influence others, whether it is the director of an organization, a family head, a team captain, or a group leader.
In this context, the important thing to know is that leadership is a skill, and the person who possesses this ability is known as a leader. In addition, management is a discipline, and the person who practises this discipline is known as a manager.
On the other hand, it is possible to be both a manager and a leader. But you have to keep in mind that just because someone is a great leader doesn’t mean they will be a great manager or vice versa. So what are the factors that distinguish these two roles? In this course on management and leadership, you will explore the basics of the manager leader to answer this question clearly.
- Introduction;
- Managing and Leading: difference;
- The basics of management and leadership;
- Become a manager or leader
- Dernière mise à jour :
- 13 décembre 2023
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Steer your managerial strategies at a high level for more impact and learn how to implement them by following this training!
Ce que tu apprendras :
- Conduct an in-depth analysis of the management and leadership environment.
- Understand the systems to better control the design of the managerial sector and the organization.
- Choose which strategies to implement to be a good manager or leader, and why bid so much for this position.

Pilote tes stratégies managériales à un level élevé pour plus d’impacts et apprends leur mise en œuvre en suivant cette formation !
Ce que tu apprendras :
- À mener une étude approfondie sur l’environnement du management et leadership.
- À comprendre les dispositifs pour mieux maîtriser la conception du secteur managérial et de l’organisation.
- À opter sur quelles stratégies mettre en œuvre pour être un bon manager ou leader et pourquoi enchérir autant cette fonction.