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Write an outstanding cover letter
Make your cover letter stand out from the crowd.

1 h 40 min
Prérequis :
- Comprehension of written English.
Ce que tu apprendras :
- Use the right layout and style for your cover letter.
- Structure your cover letter in English.
- Highlight your qualifications and application.
- Implement the key tips for writing a cover letter that will impress the recruiter.
You’ve probably heard that looking for work is a full-time job. It’s also an energy-consuming job. Generally speaking, an application is always accompanied by a cover letter. This is important for both the employer and the candidate. For the employer, it is a key element in easily identifying candidates who are promising, likely to adhere to the organization’s values and have the qualifications required for the position. On the candidate’s side, it is an opportunity, perhaps the only one, to initiate contact with the company and to make a convincing case based on the company’s assets and what it has to offer.
All in all, writing a cover letter is a crucial step in the application process, and it’s never easy if you don’t really know how to go about it. Although many people hate writing it, it is crucial to do it well as it can be either a disadvantage or an advantage to the candidate. You can spend several hours or even days on a single letter, when all you need to know is the basics to turn the situation in your favour and enjoy it. Then, of course, everything becomes a challenge that stimulates your problem-solving instinct.
This course will give you what you need to feel comfortable and proud when writing your cover letter. It is up to you to stand out from the crowd.
- Young graduates looking for jobs in call centers and customer service.
- People looking for new jobs in tourism, catering and hospitality such as receptionists, waiters, managers, executives, guides, etc.
- Applicants for jobs in translation and interpreting or in English language teaching and training.
- Professionals applying for high-level positions such as Stream Manager, Head of Department, Deputy Director, National Director, General Manager, etc.
- Anyone planning to work in an international organization.
- What exactly is a cover letter?
- What is the correct layout and format of a cover letter?
- What structure should you use for your cover letter?
- Title and salutation
- Body
- Concluding signature
- Examples of good cover letters to inspire you
- Useful tips
- Dernière mise à jour :
- 14 décembre 2023
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