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Get started with Wordpress
Take your first steps in creating a website with WordPress
Take your first steps in creating a website with WordPress

45 minutes
Prérequis :
- Proficiency in English
- General knowledge of the Internet environment
- Experience in using the Internet
Ce que tu apprendras :
- Reasons to create a website
- The reputation of WordPress
- The main features of WordPress
The world of the web is more and more flourishing nowadays that it is difficult not to use it because of its essential role in the development of various activities. The initial foundation lies in what is called a website. A website is an Internet-accessible host server in which we may store various content. WordPress can help you create and facilitate the creation of different content that you can put on it, including apps and blogs.
In fact, WordPress is a free software specifically used for this creation. Its interface has a beautiful design that allows us to have a good visual once we use it. This software has several features that are very easy to understand. By the end of this course, you will be able to know how to create a website and you will also discover how effective it is.
WordPress was initially created for bloggers, but given how it has evolved and developed in recent years, it can be used for a variety of activities. This is one of the reasons why it is used. But you explore even more reasons through this course, and you will understand in this case how essential it is.
The website is also known for its flexibility when it comes to marketing or other activities. A lot of content can be stored in the WordPress media library. Then it’s up to you to find out.
You should not go unnoticed. These aspects will surely make you valuable in your needs. Do not hesitate to sign up for the training to acquire new skills.
- Anyone who wants to start creating a website
- Entrepreneurs, students, and IT developers.
- Why create a website?
- Why use WordPress?
- Learn with us!
- Dernière mise à jour :
- 13 décembre 2023
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