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40 minutes
Prérequis :
- Perfect command of the English language
- Basic knowledge of social networks and a good web literacy
Ce que tu apprendras :
- The definition of social media
- Reasons to use social media
- Strategies to use on social media
Do you know Daniel Cohn-Bendit’s quote? ‘In short, bumblebees are a bit like our inactive people (the unemployed, retired, students): their material production is close to zero, but they participate in pollination, produce networks, information, social ties.’ In this course, we will discuss this topic concerning an interaction between several entities on the web, which is called a social media.
We spend more and more time on social media to entertain ourselves, communicate with friends and family, others have found ways to exploit them for the benefit of their business. Because digital transformation has a huge impact on companies and the world of work, as well as on society as a whole. This digital revolution is so important that experts compare it to the birth of the printing press more than five centuries ago. In this new era, digital channels are multiplying and their uses are increasing. Social media have become essential tools for communication. Today, organizations must leverage digital opportunities to develop their reputation, their turnover, adapt their corporate culture and retain their employees. Increasing brand visibility, sharing news, building customer and employee loyalty, recruitment… Facebook, X, LinkedIn … have many advantages for the company. Therefore, social media will be essential in your web strategy, it offers several benefits for your business. So don’t wait! Start with us your first steps to master social media strategies and animation techniques.
- Anyone working in an online business
- Anyone who wants to develop their business
Anyone who is a member or works in an entity, and who wants to increase their reputation on social media.
- What is social media?
- Why be present on social networks?
- Interest in taking our courses
- Dernière mise à jour :
- 13 décembre 2023
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