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Discover how Excel can help you improve your work
Put Excel at the core of your professional tasks by learning the techniques in this training!
Put Excel at the core of your professional tasks by learning the techniques in this training!

1 heure
Prérequis :
- Proficiency in Englsih
- Basic knowledge of typing
Ce que tu apprendras :
- Know the basic features of Excel.
- Make good use of every facet of Excel’s features.
- Handle spreadsheets and choose the print modes that work for you.
- Apply the basic principles of Excel manipulation according to the needs of your business
Several jobs and functions, from a professional standpoint, require the use of Excel. This need is seen in different forms depending on the specificities of each profession.
In order to meet a need that many professionals feel, we have set up this training, which will, as a whole, show you the usefulness of mastering Excel and its features in your job or your future job.
- Anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of Excel.
- Any professional in the field of management
- Any professional working in the field administration
- Any professional in the field of customer relations
- Dernière mise à jour :
- 13 décembre 2023
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Tire un bon nombre d’avantages du management de projet en débutant par la compréhension de la notion avec ce cours !
Ce que tu apprendras :
- Définir la gestion de projet
- Connaître les étapes et méthodes pour gérer un projet
- Comprendre l’importance d’approfondir les différents éléments constituant la gestion de projet.

Pilote tes stratégies managériales à un level élevé pour plus d’impacts et apprends leur mise en œuvre en suivant cette formation !
Ce que tu apprendras :
- À mener une étude approfondie sur l’environnement du management et leadership.
- À comprendre les dispositifs pour mieux maîtriser la conception du secteur managérial et de l’organisation.
- À opter sur quelles stratégies mettre en œuvre pour être un bon manager ou leader et pourquoi enchérir autant cette fonction.
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Steer your managerial strategies at a high level for more impact and learn how to implement them by following this training!
Ce que tu apprendras :
- Conduct an in-depth analysis of the management and leadership environment.
- Understand the systems to better control the design of the managerial sector and the organization.
- Choose which strategies to implement to be a good manager or leader, and why bid so much for this position.

Get a lot of the benefits of project management by starting with understanding the concept with this course!
Ce que tu apprendras :
- Define project management
- Know the steps and methods to manage a project
- Understand the importance of delving deeper into the different elements that make up project management