Optimize the website structure for a good SEO
A good website structure for good visibility.
A good website structure for good visibility.

3 heures
Prérequis :
- Familiarity with the web environment and IT tools
Ce que tu apprendras :
- Improve of the tree structure and menu
- Improve internal linking
- Generate a good sitemap.xml
The structure of a website impacts its natural referencing in one way or another.
Structure is essentially about forms, design and usability. Here again, the fluidity of navigationis a key ingredient in the effectiveness of SEO practices and therefore the optimization of content.
By taking the time to take care of it, you will offer a better user experienceto your visitors. This way, you will enable a higher ranking for your website on search engines.
Indeed, the Internet user may quickly switch to another website if it has a bad structure.
On the other hand, if your website is well organized, Google’s bots will be able to easily crawl it and users will have no trouble browsing it.
You should then think about making it easier to crawl them so that these bots can index the content of your website and send it back to the SERPs.
You should know that when it comes to SEO, the bounce rate is an indicator that allows you to collect qualitative and quantitative information.
You need to make sure that your website doesn’t have a high bounce rate or a low dwell time, as this indicates a poor structure of your website.
So, learn how to organize your website to pave the way for SEO success.
To get started, discover in this course some tips to optimize the structure of your website for SEO.
One section of this course will show you how to go about creating a website tree, and another on how to prioritize your pages so that you have parent/child pages.
Next, we will discuss internal linking, then the steps to make a summary of your website to facilitate navigation.
In addition, this course will offer you information about robots.txt. So you’ll know a little more about this file, especially about its commands and its link to SEO.
Finally, we will discuss the sitemap.xml, a file that also affects the SEO of your website. It allows you to send Google, for example, the list of URLs on your website that you want to be indexed by the search engine’s robots.
The great thing about this course is that you won’t just explore textual explanations, but also videos that will teach you how to prioritize your pages and redirect an old URL to a new one.
Since this course focuses on website structure optimization, you will have a lot of experience at the end of this course.
This will focus on how to optimize the structure of your website.
The content of this course will enable you to become an SEO professional.
- Fresh and experienced SEO specialists and website builders
- New graduates or beginners who want to enter to the SEO profession
- Entrepreneur in the field of the web
- Executives who want to expand their knowledge
- Site Tree & Menu
- Length of URLs
- Parent/Child Pages
- Internal linking
- Presence of ‘Contents’
- Robots.txt
- Sitemap.xml
- Dernière mise à jour :
- 13 décembre 2023
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