Get started as a virtual assistant
Discover the job of a virtual assistant
Discover the job of a virtual assistant

50 minutes
Prérequis :
- Perfect command of the English language
- Experience in the use of the internet and MS Office tools.
Ce que tu apprendras :
- The particularities of the job of a virtual assistant
- The main tasks of a virtual assistant
- The advantages of being a virtual assistant
Communication is evolving very quickly with many different technologies when it comes to information sharing. The technology in question allows entrepreneurs to run their business well despite a certain distance.
Today, this distance is no longer an obstacle to the accomplishment of tasks in the professional world. Physical presence is no longer required to perform tasks. With this technological development, everything can be replaced by virtual employees. It is from these aspects that virtual assistance was born.
It’s a very popular profession these days, so focus on learning this course. You’ll learn how to provide email customer service. And still in virtual business coaching, it’s really important to manage your business through this work, so by the end of this course, you’ll be able to manage customers virtually.
This is because a virtual assistant works closely with a company’s employees by using email, phone, or video chat technologies to enter data into spreadsheets or update desk calendars. Their job is to answer clients’ phone calls and oversee transfers, create memos or newsletters, and help plan trip details.
In short, they are therefore responsible for providing remote assistance to business management professionals. Their duties include finding and organizing data, interacting with customers on behalf of their employer, and performing additional clerical tasks like updating calendars or sorting documents.
A career as a virtual assistant can provide you with many benefits by allowing you to work remotely. This system can often offer a cost-effective alternative by saving on expenses.
- Anyone who wants to get into the industry one day
- Anyone who wants to strengthen their knowledge of the job
- The role of a virtual assistant
- Handle email customer service
- Understand customer management and e-shop management
- The advantages of being a virtual assistant
- Dernière mise à jour :
- 13 décembre 2023
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- À mener une étude approfondie sur l’environnement du management et leadership.
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Mets Excel au cœur de tes tâches professionnelles en apprenant les techniques dans cette formation !
Ce que tu apprendras :
- Connaître les fonctionnalités de base d’Excel.
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- Manipuler les feuilles de calcul et choisir les modes d’impression qui te conviennent.
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Steer your managerial strategies at a high level for more impact and learn how to implement them by following this training!
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- Conduct an in-depth analysis of the management and leadership environment.
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